Hardcore Fitness
Interactive Map
ClientHardcore Fitness (USA)
RoleInteractive / Web Design
TaskUIUX / HTML Interactive Site
Project Description
Hardcore Fitness is a boot camp-inspired gym with multiple locations across the United States. The touchscreen web-based application serves as an interactive information display that will allow customers to explore various locations and receive information about these locations when clicked. Additionally, as more locations are added, we want to be able to update the map with new information to keep it current. The map is displayed on a touch screen with 1980p resolutions.

Desgin Approach
To help simplify the user interface design, I propose the design based on the United States map featured with an animated map pin (small dot) to show the geolocation of the gym. Within each state, small dots will be placed on the cities where gyms have current locations. Many gyms locations are clustered together in cities that are close by, so a customer will be able to click the state and move to a secondary screen that shows the state enlarged with the locations. They can then click a location (dot) and receive a pop-up showing information about that particular gym. From here, they can return to the home screen via an icon. In addition, the client wants to add future locations on the map and I add a call to action button to post a new location on the map and gym information.