MoMoney Mobile Wallet
ClientMoMoney / Shwe Bank (Myanmar)
RoleUser Experience Design
TaskUIUX / App Design
Project Description
MoMoney is a wallet app that exists to make money transfers, bill payments, Mobile Topup, and Remittance services to the clients. The client (Shwe Bank - Myanmar) goal is to develop the app user-friendly and make a streamline the process of the transaction. The app design is focused to improve the navigation and use the app features easily.

Desgin Approach
I have had several user interviews, created a couple of different wireframes, and attracted a group of potential end-users to A/B testing to discover what works best for our target audience. Especially, the users - Myanmar citizens are not fully aware of user experience on mobile wallet feature and I have to make many user testing to come out with the final design. The displays of account information, balance, and the chosen service of the app should be easily accessible and user-friendly. Next to the account balance, there is a QR scan that allows users to pay instantly between the merchants and the clients . It is also possible to form an invoice directly in the app if users need to receive money from somebody else. The user can make a transaction in a few clicks and has immediate access to the history of all transactions.